Walsh School of Foreign Service

Category: News

143 Articles

Oceanic Currents

U.S. Should FACE Facts in the Pacific

The United States needs an engagement policy with the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) that is Flexible, Appropriate, Coordinated and Effective ).…

June 5, 2022

Oceanic Currents

We Can Work It Out: Improving U.S. Pacific Engagement

Congress should pass, and the President should sign, legislation creating the permanent interagency working group on the Pacific. It would deliver immediate and effective…

May 26, 2022

Oceanic Currents

Basic Instincts – Thoughts on PRC Bases in the Pacific

Most people think of a base as having military personnel, a fence, a gate and a sign. Is this really a base? What is a?…

May 22, 2022

Oceanic Currents

Pacific leaders may be sceptical of US engagement

In an article originally appearing in the the East Asia Forum, CANZPS affiliate Jerry Finin and Emeritus Professor Terence Wesley-Smith voice concerns over the approach taken by…

April 21, 2022

Oceanic Currents

China-Solomon Islands Security Agreement and Blue Pacific (In)Securities

This panel, Wednesday, April 20 at 2PM, of prominent Solomon Islanders will share their perspectives on the China–Solomon Islands security agreement and other.…

April 15, 2022


The Do’s and Don’ts of Peacemaking: A Guide for Smaller States

Students from Smaller States and Peacemaking (INAF 360) collaborated to create a peacemaking guide for smaller.…

April 10, 2022

Featured News

Prime Minister Fiame to give this year’s Peter Tali Coleman Lecture on Pacific Public Policy

The Honorable Fiame Naomi Mataʻafa Prime Minister of Independent State of Samoa will give this year's Peter Tali Coleman Lecture on Pacific Public…

March 14, 2022

Featured News

Georgetown on the Great Barrier Reef: Politics of Marine Conservation, Australia 2022

FLASH -- THE AUSTRALIAN BORDER IS NOW OPEN TO VACCINATED VISITORS Australia's Great Barrier Reef (GBR) - the only living organism visible from space - is under threat.  This…

February 7, 2022

Oceanic Currents

The United States Must Operationalize Resources to Secure the Pacific

The Indo-Pacific region has become the epicenter of the US-China competition for global influence. Vulnerable regional stakeholders are susceptible to China’s malign influence,…

February 7, 2022

Oceanic Currents

Being a Better Partner in the Pacific

Partnerships in the Pacific count. The US, working with its capable ally, Australia, can promote security among the Pacific. …

February 7, 2022