Walsh School of Foreign Service

Uni-Capitol Washington Internship Programme (UCWIP) 2018 Class Announced

Congratulations to the Uni-Capitol Washington Internship Programme (UCWIP) 2018 class. CANZPS wishes you the very best!

  • Holly Adams, Deakin University, interning in the office of Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota
  • Kristy Baxter, Deakin University, interning in the office of Rep. Jerrold Nadler of New York
  • Caitlin Brand, Monash University, interning in the office of Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho.
  • Mitchell Brown, University of Wollongong, interning in the office of Sen. Robert Menendez of New Jersey
  • Matthew Freeman, Deakin University, interning in the office of Rep. Rodney Davis of Illinois
  • Elena Goodey, Deakin University, interning in the office of Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida
  • Ryan Harris, University of Queensland, interning in the office of Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida
  • Kate Hitchcock, University of Canberra, interning in the office of Rep. Mark DeSaulnier of California
  • Luke Huxley, University of Melbourne, interning in the office of Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina
  • Zachary Look, Griffith University, interning in the office of Rep. Robert Aderholt of Alabama
  • Tess McGuire, University of Melbourne, interning in the office of the House Judiciary Committee (minority)
  • Lauren Meyer, University of Melbourne, interning in the office of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
  • Jacklin Molla, Griffith University, interning in the office of Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon
  • Ovindu Rajasinghe, Monash University, interning in the office of Rep. Andre Carson of Indiana