Walsh School of Foreign Service

CANZPS Welcomes Stephen Jacobi

CANZPS welcomes Stephen Jacobi as a visting NZ Fulbright Scholar.  He will be working on trade related issues.  In particular, his project will examine the ways in which US government consults with the private sector on trade policy.

Stephen grew up in Auckland and was educated at Auckland Grammar School and Auckland University. He has a First Class Honours degree in French and German and is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA) in Paris as well as the Leadership Seminar of Georgetown University in Washington DC and the Institute for Strategic Leadership (Millbrook).

Stephen has broad experience in industry and trade development. He earlier served as Chief Executive of the New Zealand Forest Industries Council, a national pan-industry body representing the forestry and wood processing sectors, the country’s third largest exporter. Earlier he established and led the New Zealand Trade Liberalisation Network – a business organisation aimed at building broad public understanding and support for trade. In both roles he has been a frequent media commentator on industry and trade issues.

Stephen also has extensive diplomatic, trade and government experience including posts as Deputy High Commissioner in Ottawa, Assistant Trade Commissioner in Paris and adviser on trade and diplomatic issues with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. He was formerly Private Secretary to the Minister for Trade Negotiations, Hon Jim Sutton, advising on trade policy, international affairs and government-to-government negotiations.

Stephen is married to the Dean of Waiapu Cathedral in Napier, the Very Reverend Dr Helen Jacobi and has two children. He lives in Napier.
