Walsh School of Foreign Service

Tag: Pacific

24 Articles

Oceanic Currents

Shiprider Agreements Making Headway

On February 23, a U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) press release1 touted the successes of a shiprider patrol of Kiribati’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), as part of “Operation Blue…

March 6, 2024

Oceanic Currents

China-Taiwan Dollar Diplomacy Signals Worrying Futures Ahead for Nauru

On 15 January 2024, the Republic of Nauru severed its diplomatic ties with Taiwan, restoring relations with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The Nauruan government’s…

January 28, 2024

Oceanic Currents

Michael Walsh, CANZPS affiliate, offers his take on why Nauru’s recognition of the PRC destabilizes the Pacific

January 21, 2024

Oceanic Currents

The Pacific Islands Health Care Initiative – Redefining US Diplomacy in the Pacific Islands as Bold, Benevolent and Innovative

There is no shortage of ways the US can build  people to people exchanges with Pacific Island Countries. Health as diplomacy should be at the top of the.…

January 8, 2024

Oceanic Currents

Reimagining US Policymaking Architecture for the Pacific

The US presently does not have a nimble enough policymaking framework with which to respond in timely fashion to the needs, priorities, and expectations of the residents of the-…

June 26, 2023

Oceanic Currents

What’s Next for the United States in the Pacific Islands?

Today, the PRC finds itself in changed circumstances with the Pacific Island countries.  How did this come about?  What steps should the United States?…

May 1, 2023

Event Announcement
Oceanic Currents

Pacific Island Hospitals: Improving Critical Infrastructure Resilience

Dr. Eileen Natuzzi will give the 2023 Southby Seminar. She will present her findings on climate change and the vulnerability of Pacific Island hospital.…

April 3, 2023

Oceanic Currents

US Development Preferences as seen by Solomon Islanders

What would be the most beneficial development program the US and other development partners could provide to the people of Solomon?…

March 2, 2023

Oceanic Currents

Statecraftiness: Weaving Webs of Statecraft in the Pacific Islands

Statecraft appears in many guises.  Most are apparent, some are not.  In this paper Joanne Wallis, Henrietta McNeill, Alan Tidwell, and Czeslaw Tubilewicz examine some of the…

January 4, 2023

Oceanic Currents

China-Solomon Islands Security Agreement and Competition for Influence in Oceania

The China-Solomon Islands security agreement alarms Western countries concerned about China’s growing influence in Oceania. While the agreement is unlikely to result in the…

December 8, 2022