Walsh School of Foreign Service

Tag: climate change

3 Articles

Event Announcement
Oceanic Currents

Pacific Island Hospitals: Improving Critical Infrastructure Resilience

Dr. Eileen Natuzzi will give the 2023 Southby Seminar. She will present her findings on climate change and the vulnerability of Pacific Island hospital.…

April 3, 2023

Oceanic Currents

Vulnerability of Pacific Island Country Hospitals: Critical Infrastructure that must be Addressed

In this Ocean Current Occasional Paper, Dr. Eileen Natuzzi examines the vulnerability of Pacific Island country hospitals. They are within the most at risk region worldwide due…

January 4, 2023


Georgetown on the Great Barrier Reef

Georgetown’s newest summer study abroad program sent students to the Great Barrier Reef. The program — titled “Politics of Marine Conservation” — brought a cohort of…

August 15, 2022