Walsh School of Foreign Service

Undergraduate Certificate

The Certificate in Australian and New Zealand Studies is awarded to graduating seniors who have successfully completed the requirements described below. Candidacy for the Certificate is open to all Georgetown University undergraduates.


Candidates for the Certificate in Australian and New Zealand Studies must complete the following requirements:

All courses must be taken for letter grades, not pass/fail. At least two of the six courses must be taken at Georgetown University. Courses taken at other universities or in study-abroad programs must be approved by the appropriate dean for transfer credit toward a Georgetown University degree. The research paper must be prepared under the supervision of and approved by a member of the CANZPS faculty (or any other Georgetown faculty member approved by the Director of CANZPS) and will be evaluated by the supervising faculty the Director. The research paper must be of a significantly high academic standard to warrant awarding the Certificate.


Candidates for the Certificate must register by the end of the fall semester of the candidate’s senior year. Early registration during junior year is strongly recommended.  Contact Professor Tidwell to complete the registration process.